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Wildcats Athletics

Centreville High School


Wildcats Athletics

Centreville High School

Wildcats Athletics

Centreville High School

Wildcats Athletics

Centreville High School

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 4.0 years ago @ 11:02AM

Parents- register for sports and activities and complete concussion education

Dear Centreville Community,

Beginning Tuesday, November 3, FCPS activities and athletic programs will transition to a new online student registration system.  This new system offers a host of benefits for schools and community members including:

  • One stop shop for registering your student for athletic programs and many common activities occurring throughout the school year
  • Electronic submission of the emergency care card and weight room waiver- only have to fill these out once!
  • A new home for the state-mandated concussion education program


Each family will create an account and from this account, can register their student(s) for various activity and athletic opportunities.  While registering does not guarantee a spot on the team, this information will help to ensure your student is ready to go on the first day of tryouts.  Students can be registered for one or more activities throughout the year and families can sign in as needed to update information.


Please note the following:

  • You will still need to submit a valid VHSL Pre-participation Exam Form (physical) directly to the school prior to your student’s participation; all other requirements will be completed through this registration process.
  • Families who have already submitted their concussion education verification form will be asked to verify completion again as part of the registration process.  We do apologize for any inconvenience- please bear with us as we make this change


The new registration site is available here:


Here is the step by step guide to registration for parents:




Blair Smith

ADSA Centreville HS


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